Fly Fishing Schools created for you!
Fly Fishing Schools created for you!
Here you’ll find information on fly-fishing schools,
In the old days people who wanted to learn to fly fish had two choices – read a book or learn from a friend.
While it's still possible to learn from both of these, today there are other choices, including video and DVD,
but the best way to earn is from a qualified instructor.
Over the last 40 years literally thousands of Alberta’s (and beyond) fly fishers have learned the sport under the instruction of Jim or Lynda McLennan. Both are skilled fly fishers (with more than 80 years' combined experience on the water), but more important for you, they understand the distinction between
knowing how to fish and knowing how to teach fishing.
Both Jim and Lynda are University-trained teachers (University of Alberta and University of Calgary),
and are experienced in both the ways of the water and the ways of the classroom.
They have instruction available for people who are completely new to fly fishing and for
people who have been fly fishing for years.
Take advantage of their combined 80+ years’ experience in teaching fly fishing and let
Jim and Lynda and their instructors help you have more fun on the water.
McLennan Fly Fishing Schools at a Glance
McLennan Fly Fishing Schools at a Glance
2025 Private Schools, Weekend and Hosted Trips
Some things never change and some things do.
McLennan Fly Fishing is one of the things that does. We’re taking a new, somewhat scaled back approach to our fly-fishing instruction plans for 2025.
We have retired from teaching scheduled group schools.
Though we’re stepping back somewhat from our previous hectic teaching schedules, please continue to consider MFF as a resource for your fly-fishing instructional needs. If you have a suggestion, a question, or would like to book one of the schools described below please contact us.
Thank you for your support.
Come and join us!
Thank you for choosing McLennan Fly Fishing
Updated Dec. 10, 2024
Private Fly-Casting Sessions
Date: Each session is arranged by student and instructor
Casting is the backbone of fly-fishing and everyone (everyone)
can improve their casting skills. Lynda McLennan is a casting specialist.
After 40 years of teaching Lynda has become intuitive at identifying glitches in casting and providing simple tweaks that make a big difference.
She can also critique people's tackle and help match a person's natural casting stroke to particular rod/line type combinations.
Many folks come to her for instruction prior to saltwater
fly-fishing trips to the tropics.
2 hours Dry-Land Casting Session
This session is good for all levels.
1 or 2 students $200.00 + gst
Private Fly-Fishing Schools
We cater to your learning needs.
What's next in your journey?
Beginner: Getting Started Quick Review
Fill in the Spaces
On-the-Water Fly-Fishing Techniques
Intermediate: Check your Foundation Cast,
Specialty Casts and Fishing Techniques
Date: Each school is arranged by student and instructor
Four hours just for you.
4 hours 1 or 2 students $400.00 (can have an on-the-water component)
The structure of these four hours will be determined by the
student and the instructor.
Each lesson will be specialized to take you to the next level of your journey.
Great for the beginner, novice to fill in the blanks or the
intermediate who wants to understand more about catching fish.
All inclusive:
Sample flies,
Use of tackle for the day
Access fees.
Scheduled Hosted Fly Fishing Trips
Hosted Trips to
Northern Lights Lodge
Sept. 7 - 13, 2025
Join Jim McLennan on a trip
like no other in B.C.'s
Cariboo Country.
Cost: $5000.00 U.S.
Small charge for accommodation tax and classified license if applicable
All inclusive.
As of Dec. 10, there are
2 spots available.
Private Group Instruction School
Only your imagination can limit the type of school we
can put together for you.
Fun, on the river, casting, friendly competitions.
Learning is fun.
Number of students:
6 - 20
Minimum 6 students.
Instructors: Jim McLennan, Allard van Everdingen,
Robert Boyce, Lynda McLennan
Previous Alberta Groups
CWFF - Calgary Women Fly Fishers
Hook & Hackle Club
Rocky Mountain Fly Shop, Olds
Water Valley, AB
Corporate Schools
Private Family Schools
Women's Alberta Fly Fishing Association
Bass Pro Fly Shop
Casting for Life
École Okotoks Junior High School
Alberta Education